2 ways to effectiveness
(Or you can do both. We don't mind. We know everyone is different and build tailored approaches based on what you need)
Managed Service
Many partners want to effectively measure their creative or answer specific questions. That’s cool. With Managed Service, Using AI we can test lots of creative – yours or anyone else’s. Our Insight & Strategy team will deliver back actionable insight that you can implement immediately. Job done & delivered in just a few days.
Attention, positive and negative emotions, their triggers, brand insights and recommendations for improvement are used by our clients for things like...
Lets talk 📧Deep dive creative testing
Of course, as well as testing at scale we're here to go deep on those hero campaigns before launch, too. Talk to our team about long term partnerships to make this really cost effective (we just can't stop being effective).
Regular creative reporting
Let's test a demonstrative set of your creative across any platforms you want every month or quarter. As well as being able to know what happened with media/sales data, you'll also be able to know WHY. That way you can improve creative all of the time.
Creative audits
Let's look at you, your competition, your region, your whole sector! Once you look at creative at scale you can see the signals in the noise and the path to differentiation.
Meta analyses
We get asked all sorts of things. We're just as happy creating bespoke study design as we are enriching your data with WHY creative works. Just ask.
Do you want a quick and easy read of your creative’s effectiveness across lots and lots of assets? Using Self-Serve you can understand viewer attention, the emotions your creative will evoke, what’s evoking those emotions, brand recall and next step intents. This is delivered in seconds with a data feed and if you like, we can automate some interpretation for you.
A data feed explaining how people will feel and which part of the content is making them feel that way. A wellspring of creative effectiveness used by partners for...
Lets talk 📧A/B testing
The quickest and most cost effective way of accurately predicting which creatives to use.
An instant read on content quality
Know why things are working or not. Straightaway.
Improving models & dashboards
You're already tracking ad effectiveness through the lens of media. Improve your models by adding creative quality variables, and visualise creative quality data to generate insight for your business.
Enriching 'what' data with 'why' data
We always talk about bringing the 'why'. Self-Serve means our partners can enrich their media, sales and social data with accurate and instant explanations of why certain things have worked or not.
started is easy
A short definition meeting and we can build a solution just for you 🔍🎯
We can either start with a ‘where are we?’ study, looking at your own or other people's creative...
...or get straight into the business of that constant learning in as many platforms as you like.
Just a few flamboyant friends...

...who are harnessing DAIVID’s #CreativeEffectiveness at scale to address the real challenges of modern advertising
Easy right?
Well, say hello & let's talk
Plenty more detail about #CreativeEffectiveness over on DAIVID's LinkedIn page.
Don't be shy. Join thousands of others in the Flamboyance, get clued up and start making your creative work harder 💪